As a social enterprise company, we believe that education is critical to building 21st Century partnerships that make a collective impact on the most challenging social and economic issues we face. Here are some projects that we support with our technology and our finances…
The Foundry Makerspace
The Foundry Makerspace is a special social enterprise initiative of Partnership Planners LLC that builds the capacity of schools for 21st Century life and work.
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The Greater Capital Region STEAM Ecosystem
Planners powers the Greater Capital Region (GCR) STEAM Ecosystem which is a project of The Foundation for Enhancing Communities and serves as a network of individuals and organizations preparing for 21st Century life and work. The GCR STEAM Ecosystem strives to educate the public and establish a local STEAM infrastructure to improve 21st Century skills for our local community.
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The COVD-19 Resource Map
The COVID-19 Resource map is an interactive tool that allows organizations to share how they are serving those in need. The tool displays COVID-19 related events and services provided to the local community as well as crowdsources opportunities to contribute to local relief efforts.
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Supporting Neighborhood Associations
Planners applications are helping neighborhood associations like the Friends of Midtown in Harrisburg, PA to visually tell their stories and improve their digital brand. Working in partnership with community groups and volunteers we are able to create new user friendly tools that help equip local leaders and residents to represent themselves in a new ways!
Take a peek inside…
Check out the Friends of Midtown Map!